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10 reference for EP0081

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4 Watanabe E, Fujita SC, Murakami F, Hayashi M, Matsumura M.
A monoclonal antibody identifies a novel epitope surrounding a subpopulation of the mammalian central neurons.
Neuroscience. 1989 ;29(3):645-57
PMID: 2472579
1 Fujita SC, Tada Y, Murakami F, Hayashi M, Matsumura M.
Glycosaminoglycan-related epitopes surrounding different subsets of mammalian central neurons.
Neurosci Res. 1989 Nov ;7(2):117-30
PMID: 2482466
2 Fujita SC, Kudo J.
A novel member to the family of perineuronal antigens associated with subpopulations of central neurons in the rat.
Exp Brain Res. 1992 ;88(2):345-54
PMID: 1577108
3 Sano S, Kudo J, Fujita SC.
Different subsets of CNS neurons express different glycosaminoglycan epitopes on large perineuronal proteoglycans.
Brain Res. 1993 Dec 10;630(1-2):65-74
PMID: 7509713
6 Yamada S, Van Die I, Van den Eijnden DH, Yokota A, Kitagawa H, Sugahara K.
Demonstration of glycosaminoglycans in Caenorhabditis elegans.
FEBS Lett. 1999 Oct 15;459(3):327-31
PMID: 10526159
7 Toyoda H, Kinoshita-Toyoda A, Selleck SB.
Structural analysis of glycosaminoglycans in Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans and demonstration that tout-velu, a Drosophila gene related to EXT tumor suppressors, affects heparan sulfate in vivo.
J Biol Chem. 2000 Jan 28;275(4):2269-75
PMID: 10644674
5 Kawashima H, Hirose M, Hirose J, Nagakubo D, Plaas AH, Miyasaka M.
Binding of a large chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate proteoglycan, versican, to L-selectin, P-selectin, and CD44.
J Biol Chem. 2000 Nov 10;275(45):35448-56
PMID: 10950950
9 Hwang HY, Olson SK, Esko JD, Horvitz HR.
Caenorhabditis elegans early embryogenesis and vulval morphogenesis require chondroitin biosynthesis.
Nature. 2003 May 22;423(6938):439-43
PMID: 12761549
10 Mizuguchi S, Uyama T, Kitagawa H, Nomura KH, Dejima K, Gengyo-Ando K, Mitani S, Sugahara K, Nomura K.
Chondroitin proteoglycans are involved in cell division of Caenorhabditis elegans.
Nature. 2003 May 22;423(6938):443-8
PMID: 12761550
8 Olson SK, Bishop JR, Yates JR, Oegema K, Esko JD.
Identification of novel chondroitin proteoglycans in Caenorhabditis elegans: embryonic cell division depends on CPG-1 and CPG-2.
J Cell Biol. 2006 Jun 19;173(6):985-94
PMID: 16785326