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24 reference for EP0061

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4 Ravindranath MH, Muthugounder S, Presser N, Selvan SR, Portoukalian J, Brosman S, Morton DL.
Gangliosides of organ-confined versus metastatic androgen-receptor-negative prostate cancer.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2004 Nov 5;324(1):154-65
PMID: 15464996
8 Sen G, Chakraborty M, Foon KA, Reisfeld RA, Bhattacharya-Chatterjee MB.
Induction of IgG antibodies by an anti-idiotype antibody mimicking disialoganglioside GD2.
J Immunother. 1998 Jan ;21(1):75-83
PMID: 9456440
9 Lode HN, Handgretinger R, Schuermann U, Seitz G, Klingebiel T, Niethammer D, Beck J.
Detection of neuroblastoma cells in CD34+ selected peripheral stem cells using a combination of tyrosine hydroxylase nested RT-PCR and anti-ganglioside GD2 immunocytochemistry.
Eur J Cancer. 1997 Oct ;33(12):2024-30
PMID: 9516847
7 Sen G, Chakraborty M, Foon KA, Reisfeld RA, Bhattacharya-Chatterjee M.
Preclinical evaluation in nonhuman primates of murine monoclonal anti-idiotype antibody that mimics the disialoganglioside GD2.
Clin Cancer Res. 1997 Nov ;3(11):1969-76
PMID: 9815586
10 Vriesendorp FJ, Quadri SM, Flynn RE, Malone MR, Cromeens DM, Stephens LC, Vriesendorp HM.
Preclinical analysis of radiolabeled anti-GD2 immunoglobulin G.
Cancer. 1997 Dec 15;80(12 Suppl):2642-9
PMID: 9406719
11 Yuki N, Yamada M, Tagawa Y, Takahashi H, Handa S.
Pathogenesis of the neurotoxicity caused by anti-GD2 antibody therapy.
J Neurol Sci. 1997 Aug ;149(2):127-30
PMID: 9171318
1 Kawashima I, Nagata I, Tai T.
Immunocytochemical analysis of gangliosides in rat primary cerebellar cultures using specific monoclonal antibodies.
Brain Res. 1996 Sep 2;732(1-2):75-86
PMID: 8891271
2 Kotani M, Kawashima I, Ozawa H, Ogura K, Ishizuka I, Terashima T, Tai T.
Immunohistochemical localization of minor gangliosides in the rat central nervous system.
Glycobiology. 1994 Dec ;4(6):855-65
PMID: 7734848
3 Kawashima I, Ozawa H, Kotani M, Suzuki M, Kawano T, Gomibuchi M, Tai T.
Characterization of ganglioside expression in human melanoma cells: immunological and biochemical analysis.
J Biochem (Tokyo). 1993 Aug ;114(2):186-93
PMID: 8262898
18 Vick WW, Tello JW, Wikstrand CJ, He X, Longee D, Fredman P, Svennerholm L, Bigner DD, Johnston WW, Bigner SH.
Application of a panel of antiganglioside monoclonal antibodies to cytologic specimens.
Acta Cytol. 1992 Sep ;36(5):697-705
PMID: 1523927
5 Ozawa H, Kotani M, Kawashima I, Tai T.
Generation of one set of monoclonal antibodies specific for b-pathway ganglio-series gangliosides.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 1992 Jan 24;1123(2):184-90
PMID: 1371229
19 Longee DC, Wikstrand CJ, Mansson JE, He X, Fuller GN, Bigner SH, Fredman P, Svennerholm L, Bigner DD.
Disialoganglioside GD2 in human neuroectodermal tumor cell lines and gliomas.
Acta Neuropathol (Berl). 1991 ;82(1):45-54
PMID: 1659106
13 Yamaguchi H, Furukawa K, Fortunato SR, Livingston PO, Lloyd KO, Oettgen HF, Old LJ.
Human monoclonal antibody with dual GM2/GD2 specificity derived from an immunized melanoma patient.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1990 May ;87(9):3333-7
PMID: 2159145
6 Zenita K, Hirashima K, Shigeta K, Hiraiwa N, Takada A, Hashimoto K, Fujimoto E, Yago K, Kannagi R.
Northern hybridization analysis of VH gene expression in murine monoclonal antibodies directed to cancer-associated ganglioside antigens having various sialic acid linkages.
J Immunol. 1990 Jun 1;144(11):4442-51
PMID: 2111348
24 Kawashima I, Tada N, Ikegami S, Nakamura S, Ueda R, Tai T.
Mouse monoclonal antibodies detecting disialogangliosides on mouse and human T lymphomas.
Int J Cancer. 1988 Feb 15;41(2):267-74
PMID: 2448252
14 Tai T, Kawashima I, Tada N, Dairiki K.
Different fine binding specificities of monoclonal antibodies to disialosylganglioside GD2.
J Biochem (Tokyo). 1988 Apr ;103(4):682-7
PMID: 3170507
23 Thurin J, Thurin M, Kimoto Y, Herlyn M, Lubeck MD, Elder DE, Smereczynska M, Karlsson KA, Clark WM Jr, Steplewski Z, et al.
Monoclonal antibody-defined correlations in melanoma between levels of GD2 and GD3 antigens and antibody-mediated cytotoxicity.
Cancer Res. 1987 Mar 1;47(5):1229-33
PMID: 3815333
15 Mujoo K, Cheresh DA, Yang HM, Reisfeld RA.
Disialoganglioside GD2 on human neuroblastoma cells: target antigen for monoclonal antibody-mediated cytolysis and suppression of tumor growth.
Cancer Res. 1987 Feb 15;47(4):1098-104
PMID: 3100030
21 Cheresh DA, Rosenberg J, Mujoo K, Hirschowitz L, Reisfeld RA.
Biosynthesis and expression of the disialoganglioside GD2, a relevant target antigen on small cell lung carcinoma for monoclonal antibody-mediated cytolysis.
Cancer Res. 1986 Oct ;46(10):5112-8
PMID: 3019521
22 Cheresh DA, Pierschbacher MD, Herzig MA, Mujoo K.
Disialogangliosides GD2 and GD3 are involved in the attachment of human melanoma and neuroblastoma cells to extracellular matrix proteins.
J Cell Biol. 1986 Mar ;102(3):688-96
PMID: 3005335
16 Cheung NK, Saarinen UM, Neely JE, Landmeier B, Donovan D, Coccia PF.
Monoclonal antibodies to a glycolipid antigen on human neuroblastoma cells.
Cancer Res. 1985 Jun ;45(6):2642-9
PMID: 2580625
12 Cheresh DA, Harper JR, Schulz G, Reisfeld RA.
Localization of the gangliosides GD2 and GD3 in adhesion plaques and on the surface of human melanoma cells.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1984 Sep ;81(18):5767-71
PMID: 6385004
20 Schulz G, Cheresh DA, Varki NM, Yu A, Staffileno LK, Reisfeld RA.
Detection of ganglioside GD2 in tumor tissues and sera of neuroblastoma patients.
Cancer Res. 1984 Dec ;44(12 Pt 1):5914-20
PMID: 6498849
17 Cahan LD, Irie RF, Singh R, Cassidenti A, Paulson JC.
Identification of a human neuroectodermal tumor antigen (OFA-I-2) as ganglioside GD2.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1982 Dec ;79(24):7629-33
PMID: 6296843