9-O-Acetyl GD3

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23 reference for EP0064

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7 Cheresh DA, Varki AP, Varki NM, Stallcup WB, Levine J, Reisfeld RA.
A monoclonal antibody recognizes an O-acylated sialic acid in a human melanoma-associated ganglioside.
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The D1.1 antigen: a cell surface marker for germinal cells of the central nervous system.
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19 Thurin J, Herlyn M, Hindsgaul O, Stromberg N, Karlsson KA, Elder D, Steplewski Z, Koprowski H.
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8 Stallcup WB, Pytela R, Ruoslahti E.
A neuroectoderm-associated ganglioside participates in fibronectin receptor-mediated adhesion of germinal cells to fibronectin.
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23 Ritter G, Boosfeld E, Markstein E, Yu RK, Ren SL, Stallcup WB, Oettgen HF, Old LJ, Livingston PO.
Biochemical and serological characteristics of natural 9-O-acetyl GD3 from human melanoma and bovine buttermilk and chemically O-acetylated GD3.
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21 Sjoberg ER, Manzi AE, Khoo KH, Dell A, Varki A.
Structural and immunological characterization of O-acetylated GD2. Evidence that GD2 is an acceptor for ganglioside O-acetyltransferase in human melanoma cells.
J Biol Chem. 1992 Aug 15;267(23):16200-11
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18 Ozawa H, Kotani M, Kawashima I, Tai T.
Generation of one set of monoclonal antibodies specific for b-pathway ganglio-series gangliosides.
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22 Ren S, Scarsdale JN, Ariga T, Zhang Y, Klein RA, Hartmann R, Kushi Y, Egge H, Yu RK.
O-acetylated gangliosides in bovine buttermilk. Characterization of 7-O-acetyl, 9-O-acetyl, and 7,9-di-O-acetyl GD3.
J Biol Chem. 1992 Jun 25;267(18):12632-8
PMID: 1618769
17 Kawashima I, Ozawa H, Kotani M, Suzuki M, Kawano T, Gomibuchi M, Tai T.
Characterization of ganglioside expression in human melanoma cells: immunological and biochemical analysis.
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PMID: 8262898
5 Sjoberg ER, Varki A.
Kinetic and spatial interrelationships between ganglioside glycosyltransferases and O-acetyltransferase(s) in human melanoma cells.
J Biol Chem. 1993 May 15;268(14):10185-96
PMID: 8486686
12 Klein A, Krishna M, Varki NM, Varki A.
9-O-acetylated sialic acids have widespread but selective expression: analysis using a chimeric dual-function probe derived from influenza C hemagglutinin-esterase.
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PMID: 8052660
16 Kotani M, Kawashima I, Ozawa H, Ogura K, Ishizuka I, Terashima T, Tai T.
Immunohistochemical localization of minor gangliosides in the rat central nervous system.
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PMID: 7734848
11 Mendez-Otero R, Ramon-Cueto A.
Expression of 9-O-acetylated gangliosides during development of the rat olfactory system.
Neuroreport. 1994 Sep 8;5(14):1755-9
PMID: 7827324
13 Kotani M, Terashima T, Tai T.
Developmental changes of ganglioside expressions in postnatal rat cerebellar cortex.
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PMID: 8624728
2 Ogura K, Nara K, Watanabe Y, Kohno K, Tai T, Sanai Y.
Cloning and expression of cDNA for O-acetylation of GD3 ganglioside.
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PMID: 8780713
10 Mendez-Otero R, Friedman JE.
Role of acetylated gangliosides on neurite extension.
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PMID: 8905297
14 Kawashima I, Nagata I, Tai T.
Immunocytochemical analysis of gangliosides in rat primary cerebellar cultures using specific monoclonal antibodies.
Brain Res. 1996 Sep 2;732(1-2):75-86
PMID: 8891271
1 Krishna M, Varki A.
9-O-Acetylation of sialomucins: a novel marker of murine CD4 T cells that is regulated during maturation and activation.
J Exp Med. 1997 Jun 2;185(11):1997-2013
PMID: 9166429
15 Kotani M, Tai T.
An immunohistochemical technique with a series of monoclonal antibodies to gangliosides: their differential distribution in the rat cerebellum.
Brain Res Brain Res Protoc. 1997 May ;1(2):152-6
PMID: 9385079
4 Reivinen J, Holthofer H, Miettinen A.
Tyrosine phosphorylation of p72syk induced by anti-9-O-acetyl GD3 antibodies in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
Scand J Immunol. 1998 Dec ;48(6):615-22
PMID: 9874495
3 Simons M, Schwarz K, Kriz W, Miettinen A, Reiser J, Mundel P, Holthofer H.
Involvement of lipid rafts in nephrin phosphorylation and organization of the glomerular slit diaphragm.
Am J Pathol. 2001 Sep ;159(3):1069-77
PMID: 11549599